Research Network funds two new studies focused on infants and toddlers
The New York City Early Childhood Research Network secured funding from the Heising-Simons Foundation for much needed research focused on the NYC workforce that supports children from birth through age three.
Through a competitive process, two research grants were awarded. One award was made to the National Center on Children and Families at Teachers College to identify differences and similarities in the implementation of quality enhancement policies in NYC's center-based and family child care programs for infants and toddlers. Second, an award was made to the Borough of Manhattan Community College to explore undergraduate ECE programs: 1) to identify depth of infant/toddler course content and fieldwork; 2) examine effectiveness of the infant/toddler teacher pipeline. These studies are being carried out throughout 2019 and we anticipate that the results will be released in the spring of 2020.
With these new efforts, the Research Network expands its reach and continues its effort to bridge research, policy, and practice to benefit New York City's children and families.