Network Studies

Examination and analyses of the NYSED's Office of the Professions and Office of the Higher Education regulations and requirements towards professional licensure and certification within the key allied disciplines authorized to provide early intervention (EI) services to identify necessary revisions needed within their regulations to ensure New York State Department of Health's Bureau of Early Intervention's (NYSDOH BEI) evidence-based EI Competencies are part of the requirements in IHE courses, including students’ fieldwork placements with infants’ birth to three in EI settings.

Contributing Institutions

Brooklyn College’s Department of Early Childhood Education/Art Education.

Brooklyn College’s Department of Communication Arts, Sciences, and Disorders.

New York Institute of Technology’s Department of Occupational Therapy.  


Jacqueline D. Shannon, MSEd, PhD (PI), Brooklyn College, CUNY

Michael Bergen, AuD, FAAA, CCC-A (Co-Investigator), Brooklyn College, CUNY

Sharon Beaumont-Bowman, SLPD, CCC-SLP (Co-Investigator), Brooklyn College, CUNY

Beth Elenko, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, CLA, FAOTA (Co-Investigator), New York Institute of Technology 

Karen McFadden, MA, PhD  (Co-Investigator), Brooklyn College, CUNY

A study of the empirical gaps in our understanding of how teachers perceive teacher-child relationships and factors that contribute to their quality. The study will engage teachers in experiences that may increase their capacity to become more aware of how they view children, their relational behaviors with different children, and their role in contributing to the quality of their relationship with individual children. 

Contributing Institutions

National Center for Children in Poverty, Bank Street College of Education

Straus Center for Young Children and Families, Bank Street College of Education


Sheila Smith, PhD  (PI)

Cristina Medellin, PhD (Co-PI)

Mark Nagasawa , PhD  (Co-PI)

Sarika Gupta, PhD  (Co-PI)

Lifting up lived experiences of educators across the color line, the proposed project aims to explore pre-K educators’ understanding of racism, and examine how educators’ experiences and professional supports influence their implementation of anti-racist and culturally relevant policy and practices.

Contributing Institutions

NYU Langone: Center for Early Childhood Health and Development 

NYU Steinhardt: Metro Center


Dr. Vanessa Rodriguez, Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Spring Dawson-McClure, Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Fabienne Doucet, Co-Investigator

Dr. Gabriela Barajas-Gonzalez, Co-Investigator

Examination of the role of program ecologies in supporting early childhood professionals’ 1) equitable referrals to preschool special education, and 2) their use of high-quality inclusive practices.

Contributing Institutions

Bank Street College of Education

University of Kansas

University of Texas at Austin


Sarika S. Gupta, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Straus Center for Young Children and Families (PI)

Gregory Cheatham, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Special Education, School of Education and Human Sciences

Natasha Strassfeld, J.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Equity and Diversity in Special Education in the Department of Special Education

Lift up the experiences, skills, and knowledge of ECE female teachers of color and explore the relationship between teacher social and emotional learning (SEL) and teachers' capacity to empower families, especially those from historically disinvested communities.

Contributing Institutions

NYU Langone Health, Center for Early Childhood Health and Development


Vanessa Rodriguez, Ed.D. Assistant Professor (PI)




This study gathers the perspectives of Head Start staff, Head Start parents/caregivers, and social workers from the NYC Division of Early Childhood Education on how to best implement the Head Start Parent, Family and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework; and works with teams of parents/caregivers at three Head Start sites as they design engagement strategies for their site.

Contributing Institutions

New York Academy of Medicine


Zoelene Hill, PhD, Research Scientist

Shaneah Taylor, MPH, Senior Program Officer

Examination of NYC early childhood educators’ experiences of supports and professional learning (PL) while navigating new challenges and modes of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contributing Institutions

Institute for Human Development and Social Change, NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development


Rachel Abenavoli, PhD, (PI), Research Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology

Pamela Morris, PhD, Professor of Applied Psychology

Elise Cappella, PhD, Professor of Applied Psychology and Vice Dean for Research

This study seeks deeper understandings of what New York City’s ECE workforce has experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of informing decision-making about the city’s future ECE system. In the video below, Dr. Nagasawa discusses findings primarily from his initial study (May 2020) and preliminary findings from the current study. 

Contributing Institutions

Bank Street College of Education


Mark Nagasawa, Ph.D., Director, Straus Center for Young Children & Families


Examination of the implementation of policies to promote quality in programs for infants and toddlers in New York City.

Contributing Institutions

National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University


Jeanne L. Reid, Ed.D.; Research Scientist, National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University

Sharon Lynn Kagan, Ed.D.; Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor and Co-Director, National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University

Samantha Melvin, M.A.; National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University 

Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Ph.D.; Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor and Co-Director, National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University

Exploration of undergraduate ECE programs to identify depth of infant/toddler course content and fieldwork and examine effectiveness of the infant/toddler teacher pipeline.

Contributing Institutions

Borough of Manhattan Community College


Jennifer Gilken, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator, Borough of Manhattan Community College

Jennifer Longley, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, Borough of Manhattan Community College

Jillian Crosby, M.S.Ed., Instructor of Early Childhood Education, Borough of Manhattan Community College

Exploration of Infant-Toddler educators’ knowledge, beliefs, practices and experiences with Early Intervention to understand of how caregivers in infant-toddler settings view variation in children’s development, engage families, and perceive barriers to access in early intervention (EI) services.  

Contributing Institutions

Brooklyn College School of Education 


Karen E. McFadden, PhD, Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education and Art Education Department, School of Education

Jacqueline D. Shannon, PhD., Associate Professor and Chair, Early Childhood Education and Art Education Department, School of Education 

Examination of teaching staff characteristics, professional development, and instructional practices and supports provided in classrooms serving varying concentrations (by number and language spoken) of Emergent Multilingual Learners (EMLs) in New York City's PreK for All programs.


Contributing Institutions

Fordham University, Graduate School of Education


Tiedan Huang, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University 

Chun Zhang, Ph.D., Professor, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University

Caitlin Cole, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University

Identification of teaching practices, classroom environments, family involvement practices, and organizational structures and policies that are responsive to and sustaining for children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse (non-dominant) backgrounds.

Contributing Institutions

City College of New York

Teachers College, Columbia University


Beverly Falk, Ed.D., Professor/Director, Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education; Affiliate Faculty, CUNY Graduate Center; School of Education

Mariana Souto-Manning, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum & Teaching; Director, Quality Universally Inclusive Early Responsive Education (QUIERE)

The identification of the professionals within the current coaching and professional development workforce system who are working within PreK for All programs. We examine how these support professionals use their time and explore how they perceive their roles as influencers of early care and education practice.

Contributing Institutions

National Institution of Early Education Research  (NIEER) at Rutgers University


Sharon Ryan, Ed.D., Senior Research Fellow, NIEER; Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Department of Learning and Teaching at Rutgers University.

Steve Barnett, Ph.D., Board of Governors Professor, and Senior Co-director and Founder, NIEER at Rutgers University 

Study of the distribution of teachers with different levels of qualifications across UPK classrooms and examine ways that administrators and teachers understand and use data about classroom quality to inform professional development and classroom practice.

Contributing Institutions

Institute for Human Development and Social Change, NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development


LaRue Allen, Ph.D., Raymond and Rosalee Weiss Professor of Applied Psychology, Chair, Department of Applied Psychology; Director, Child and Family Policy Center

Elise Cappella, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Applied Psychology; Interim Deputy Director, Institute of Human Development and Social Change; Co-Director, IES Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Fellowship

Pamela Morris, Ph.D., Professor of Applied Psychology; Vice Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs; NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Cybele Raver, Ph.D., Senior Vice Provost for Academic Analytics and Graduate Academic Affairs, Professor of Applied Psychology

Investigation of the ways in which teaching staff find and use formative child assessment tools tied to specific curricula to support their pedagogical decision-making in daily practice and curricula implementation.

Contributing Institutions

Hunter College at the City University of New York, School of Education 


Sherryl Browne Graves, Ph.D., Professor of Psychological Foundations; Acting Senior Associate Dean, School of Education

Lacey Peters, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Examinaton of the ways in which Pre-K for All instructional leaders, such as education directors in early childhood centers and assistant principals in public schools, support teaching staff and foster high-quality instruction in Pre-K for All classrooms.

Contributing Institutions

National Center for Children and Poverty and the Center on Culture, Race, & Equity at Bank Street College of Education


Faith Lamb Parker, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Center on Culture, Race, & Equity, Bank Street College of Education

Sheila Smith, Ph.D., Director, Early Childhood at the National Center for Children in Poverty 

Veronica Benevides, Ed.D., Center on Culture, Race, & Equity, Bank Street College of Education

Analysis of the recruitment, retention, mentoring, and professional development efforts that support ECE male educators to optimize instructional classroom practices.

Contributing Institutions

Borough of Manhattan Community College


Jean Yves Plaisir, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Teacher Education

Kirsten Cole, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Teacher Education

Mindi Reich-Shapiro, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Teacher Education

Comparison of teacher characteristics, professional development supports, instructional approaches, and program structures across UPK settings, governance structures, and communities.

Contributing Institutions

National Center for Children and Families, Teachers College, Columbia University


Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Ph.D., Co-Director, National Center for Children and Families; Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Child Development at Teachers College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University.

Lynn Kagan, Ed.D., Co-Director, National Center for Children and Families; Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Early Childhood and Family Policy; Director, Office Policy and Research; Professor of Early Childhood Policy; Associate Dean of Policy

Jeanne Reid, Ed.D., Research Scientist, National Center for Children and Families

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