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Early Language and Literacy Professional Development for Teachers of Dual Language Learners

Start Date January 2019 End Date January 2022
Keywords dual language learners professional learning


Randomized control trial of the Exceptional Coaching for Early Language and Literacy (ExCELL) program that includes:

  • is a year-long, on-line, evidence-based professional development program (Wasik & Hindman, 2011; Wasik, Hindman, & Hammer, 2018);
  • trains lead and assistant teachers to use high-quality, research-based strategies to improve the language and literacy skills of the children in their classrooms, including
  • children who are learning multiple languages;
  • includes six self-guided learning modules for teachers and four self-guided learning modules for assistant teachers that present high quality language and literacy strategies to effectively teach all children, with a particular emphasis on children who are learning a second language.
  • Provides Individualized coaching throughout the PD



We are currently testing the effectiveness of the ExCELL on-line PD with remote individualized coaching over four years within the NYC DOE

  • 8-10 children from each classroom are tested in fall and spring on receptive and expressive language skills and early literacy in English (and Spanish).
  • Teachers’ classroom practices compared from Fall to Spring using CLASS, Classroom Assessment of Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition (CASEBA), and ExCELL Fidelity Measure


Carol Scheffner-Hammer 

Kelly Escobar

Barbara A. Wasik

Annemarie H. Hindman

Mary Alice Bond

Contributing Institutions

Teachers College, Columbia University

Temple University

Johns Hopkins University



Authored N/A

Carol Scheffner Hammer, Kelly Escobar, Barbara A. Wasik, Annemarie H. Hindman, Mary Alice Bond

Institutions Teachers College, Columbia University
Type Presentation

This poster was presented at the 2020 Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention in San Diego, California. The poster describes the components of the ExCELL Professional Development model, and presents promising pilot data from the first year (2018-2019).