Research-to-Practice Webinars on Language and Literacy
“This information is vital to anyone working in early childhood classrooms in New York State, and especially so for those of us in New York City.” (Research-to-Practice session participant).
The NYC Research Network is a Research-Practice-Partnership that aims to bridge the gaps between research, policy, and practice. The Network’s Research-to-Practice (R2P) sessions encourage dialogue and engagement between early childhood care and education practitioners and researchers. Continuing our discussions around language and literacy, we welcomed Dr. Idalia Nuñez, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, The University of Texas at San Antonio and Dr. Sudha Arunachalam , Professor of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, NYU, who both facilitated R2P sessions. Dr. Arunachalam guided a conversation on “Language and Preliteracy in the Early Years”, while Dr. Nuñez’s webinar focused on “Teaching and Learning through and with Translanguaging with Young Children.” The above quote comes from one of the participants during the R2P.
Edited videos from sessions are available through the Network’s Video Resource Library.